The evolution of the Arts

December 4, 2018

In many ways, the European Race may have progressed since J.S. Bach’s / Haendel’s passing (i.e., the end of the Musical Baroque period), but as far as Music is concerned – since then it has deteriorated so grossly it cannot even be classified as “Music” anymore. There are different reasons for this, including an initial chase after frivolity of form that heralded the Classical period; the #bourgeoisation of the European Societies of the Romantic period, followed by the death of the class system and subsequent #democratisation of the society that followed, and, as the biggest blow of all – the cultural, “aesthetic” (exceedingly counter-aesthetic in nature!) influences from #without that started with the late Romantic period composers’ glorification of the savage, and ended with #anticultural monstrosities imported from without called “rap”, “hiphop”, “r&b” (N.B.: only a thoroughly low-brow ignoramus would call such rubbish “music”) and like cancers of #multiculturalism & the de-cultivation of White Music. The introduction of the cancer of #postmodernism, along with multiculturalism, was the hardest blow on not just Music, but on almost all forms of Arts, as well as social norms, killing the decorum of Women along with many other cultural and social standards of Whiteness – and from there, White Culture in its entirety.

Baroque, and in particular, the mid- and late- Baroque sub-periods, was the pinnacle of Musical evolution – extant or extinct ever since the birth of the most rudimentary musical aspirations of the earliest Homo self-proclaimed “Sapiens”). Since that pinnacle of Musical evolution we’ve only been devolving – first, relatively slowly, and, since the late 19th and early 20th Centuries – in quantum strides.

Visual Arts have undergone a much more complex evolution that Music: since ancient times it has had lows and highs, sometimes both simultaneously. Unfortunately, #postmodernism (and, to a yet rather undefined effect, multiculturalism) has had an equally as ruinous effect on the Visual Arts.

Same is the case with Literature (speaking of English Literature): it was at its climax some 50 to 100 years later than Music. Its deterioration started with the democratisation of society in the late 19th Century and snowballed further into misery with postmodernism and multiculturalism.

The art forms that haven’t yet devolved to a pathetic shadow of their former selves – are design and photography. Even cinema is starting to devolve. The culprit – multiculturalism and its influence on White culture and affirmative action.

Cubbie Bear

Wikipedia: yet another source of blatant, vulgar, rabid antiWhitesism

June 3, 2020

…almost more so than Google, FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

I urge sane people reading this entry, to check out the Wikipedia “article” titled “Black Peril”. If it doesn’t make you feel like vomiting, the chances are – nothing will.

I acknowledge that WikiPedia is a so-called “community”-based pseudo-Encyclopaedia, and as such it supposedly allows everyone to post anything one bothers to. But WikiPedia and cuckolds either voluntarily – or tasked with the “responsibility” to “curate” articles, will ensure that submitted articles ahem a certain leaning, howsoever outlandish. Articles relating to Race and Race relations that do not happen to be overtly and brazenly Pro-nonwhite, and in particular Pro-Black and / or Pro-Mohammedan at the expense of the White people and Whiteness overall (encompassing all of its constituents – genetic, cultural, moral, civilisational, intellectual, IQ, etc.), irrespective of their preposterousness factor – will be deleted or significantly altered. To say that Objectivity is not the friend of either Google, WikiPedia, FaceBook and the like – would be a gross understatement of the intent of the said media outlets. We all know, this is also the case with the lion’s share of newspapers, blogs, magazines, etc. But one would expect at least a modicum of objectivity from a supposed Encyclopaedia, open source or not.

What basically is happening – is a full-on war on Whiteness. Who is the enemy? Of course – the filth in power (both visible (such as most Politicians) and not, i.e., those to whom said politicians are their lapdogs), subversion agents in media, in whatsoever they know call “education”, worse yet – the useful idiot who happens to be “white”, the populace comprised of cuckolds, interracial harlots and would-be interracial harlots with just enough self-respect to narrowly dodge the dishonour of becoming one, but eager to see every other White woman to fall prey to this hideous phenomenon. Admittedly, not very difficult for the average mindless ultra leftist “woman”, as all they have to do – is to accommodate the need for sticking c*ck into a white shag trophy object by roughly every male exotics.

For your convenience, I’ve copied and pasted the so-called “article” below.

Black Peril

” The Black Peril refers to the fear of colonial settlers that black men are attracted to white women and are having sexual relations with them. This goes back to class and race prejudices. Examples can be seen in British colonialism of India and Africa.One of the major areas that has been written and documented in having experienced the Black Peril is South Africa, or more specifically in certain writings, Southern Rhodesia, which later became the modern day country Zimbabwein 1980. Black Peril is a colonial based fear that started in Southern Rhodesia and survived all the way to the independence of Zimbabwe.

Black Rape scares were not unique or scarce to South Africa since well-documented parallels have ranged in place and time from “the southern United States in the late 1860s’ to Papua in the 1920s”.[1] It was theorized that the fear of this Black Peril, the rape threats, as seen through the eyes of the white male settlers, were essentially a “rationalization of white men’s fear of sexual competition from black men”.[2]

The “‘Black Peril’ outcries from white settlers in Southern Rhodesia provided an outlet for anxieties about weakness within the ‘body politic'” since the ‘Whites shared a conceptual language for crisis and it was corporeal’.[3] It was through this thought process that the ‘Black Peril’ panics led to specific actions that served the interests of the white settler men in these areas.[4]


History[edit source]

The black peril’ scares ’embittered race relations’ in South Africa during the years before the First World War.[5] In Southern Rhodesia, the situation was even more traumatic, since the ‘black peril’ scare of the early 1900s came in the wake of the 1896 war of resistance. Resultant embitterment lingered to the extent that throughout the first decades of colonialism there were periodic campaigns to control the supposedly excessive fundamental urges of African men. Much more clandestine, but far more of a reality was the rarely noted ‘white peril’, a wide range of sexual abuse of black women (and occasionally men) by settler males.[6]

South Africa[edit source]

During the 1900s, in response to these white women rapes (imagined or otherwise) the Government of South Africa tried to control it through setting up a program of national Human population control which would theoretically encompasses these three distinct elements; limitation on women’s Fertility, change in human mortality rates and control of Immigration.[7] At this time Birth controldid not have an official program so the government turned to other methods and elements in population control.[8] Thus through this Black Peril scare the government of South Africa adopted specific policies on each of these three which, taken together, attempted to limit the black population while maintaining a large white population.[9]

As late as the 1911 census white men outnumbered white women by nearly two to one. It was not until 1921 that females reached 40 per cent of the settler population and census takers could boast that ‘the population has now attained a settled character comparable with that of much older countries’.[10] Along the road to that settled character white males in Rhodesia often soothed their feelings of isolation by sexual relations with black women. These sexual encounters were not usually based on mutual attraction but on coercion. As two observers have noted they were ‘similar to those between masters and slaves, feudal lords and serfs,conquerors and conquered in other countries’. This side of the interracial sexual coin was the ‘white peril’, a term which rarely appeared in Rhodesian annals.[11]

South Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)[edit source]

The ‘black peril’ became a public issue in the settler community within South Rhodesia just after the turn of the century. In colonial Rhodesia the fear of ‘black peril’ spawned a wide range of legislation, including the prohibition of sexual relations between white women and black men.[12] In addition, dozens of blacks were executed, both legally and extra-legally, for supposed ‘black peril’ violations.[7]

The rise of alleged sexual attacks on white women around 1902 was, according to settler consensus due to an influx into Southern Rhodesia of a number of prostitutes who were racially undiscerning in choosing their customers.[13] A government report of 1914 presented this historical analysis: On the question of prostitution by white women with natives it is pertinent to state that the prevalence of ‘black peril’ during the years 1902 and 1903 in Bulawayo was mainly attributed by the general public to the presence and operation of the women referred to in the instances quoted under the heading of ‘white peril’[14]

Perhaps frightened by the rise of both non-discriminating white women and vigilantism, the Legislative Assembly took its own action passing the Immorality Suppression Ordinance in September 1903.[15] According to this law a man could face the death penalty for anything which constituted ‘attempted rape’. The legislation also affected maximum sentences of two years imprisonment for white women and five years for black men who engaged in interracial sex. Even these penalties were not sufficient to please all the whites.[15]

In Zimbabwe a large number of black men were channeled into domestic service, as well as the mining and farming labors. In fact, throughout the first half century of colonialism domestic service ranked third as a source of African employment, therefore that meant that white women spent most of their days alone with black male servants.[16] It would be in this situation that the complex paranoia called the ‘black peril’ would be manufactured.[17]

White Peril[edit source]

In contrast, ‘white peril’, or Sexual Abuse of black women by white men, was far more frequent.[18] Despite these protestations there was never any law passed to prohibit white men from having sexual relations with black women.[19] The main reason for the differing official response to the ‘black’ and ‘white perils’ was the nature of race, class and gender relations in the colony.[20] The ‘perils’ were necessary in order to solidify racial and gender differences and thereby to construct white and male supremacist social order.[20]

Movies[edit source]

In the movie A Passage to India this is depicted very clearly, in the court scene.

See also[edit source]

Another instance of multicultics at work

February 22, 2020

So very typical: an ugly inbred #brownie chases a #White Woman / Girl in the hope of managing to bait, to shag & thus to taint her. The White Woman says: “Thank you very much, but chase females of your own kind thank you!” She courteously adds: “I’m Lesbian” to shut the inbred mohammedan little fuck down in as politically-correct as possible a manner, so the brown shag-sual parasite does not feel “insulted” by something that perfectly normal (remember: to them a Woman, even – or perhaps, especially – a White one, refusing their vulgar, rabid, crude advances – is somehow “insulting”).

Next thing you know, the little ugly vermin calls her “a dirty Lesbian” (’cause clearly even such an extremely cautious, courteous and amiable rejection will instantly insult a mohammedan’s-with-a-boner rabidly humiliation-prone sense of fragile, but highly parasitic, #shag-sual self-image).

The ugly brown fuck’s response? The inbred prick throws a temper tantrum after a temper tantrum, forcing the poor lass to follow up her post with a video on her fairly reasonable (if way too mild) view on mohammedan’ cult (in which she does her utmost, partly out of fear to incite a murderous hysteria by mohammedans / brownies, and a mass meltdown by their ultralefty White appeasers, apparently in part because, like so many gullible, impressionable youngsters of today, she has been brainwashed into the there’s-only-one-race-the-human-race cult) to keep the mohammedans’ gene pool, their looks, their race (variety of the invariably and immutably nonwhite, closely-related races, that make up their genetic spectrum).
This, in turn, results in a mass temper tantrum on mohammedans’ part, and she’s accused – in her own country – of “blasphemy” towards the mohammedan cult, and the entire mohammedan import to France loudly demands her gang-rape, more gang-rape, and more, as well as stoning, hanging and whatnot. She has to be sent to a White-only school (such are so rare in today’s France as to be considered more or less extinct). She has to change her name, as well – and make sure to be on good terms with every single person she ever encounters, so they don’t share her identity with mohammedans out of spite, to get her gang-raped and killed. In her own country.
Check out the video: Anti-Islam rant triggers national debate in #France via @YouTube

The Lion King (2019): a review

November 15, 2019

I watched the new Lion King on the 22nd of September in a movie theatre. An absolutely delightful movie. Easily the best of the 2019 and one of the best overall (9.5 out of 10, in My opinion). The CGI, the story, most minute details – almost everything was perfect, except:

– the choice of the voice actors. Literally every Lion role was assigned to black actors. I’m daring you to show Me a black person who has a iota in common with a Lion / Tiger / Leopard / Jaguar / Puma, etc.! One must be blind to find an atom of common ground between these majestic, powerful, graceful, noble animals and black or brown folks. If anyone resembles a Lion in grace, in beauty, in facial features, eyes, eye colour, etc. – it’s the White Men & Women, especially the perfect Nordic type. The choice of black actors to play Lions and Lionesses was a self-effacing cuckoldry of highest calibre, to boot.

– In the movie’s culminating battle between the Lions (a mandril, a warthog) and the hyenas, the latter were depicted as a near-match to Lions / Lionesses in strength and fighting prowess. No extant hyena matches the power of a Lion as young as 10 months old! And vice versa – a mandril and a warthog could easily manhandle a few hyenas, while in reality, if a warthog is more or less a match to a single hyena in conflict, a mandril (its very sharp, 5-6 cm long canines notwithstanding) is not a match to an aggressive adult hyena. But every other aspect of the movie – from the CGI quality to the storyline to all manner of nuances – were worth a thousand Oscars! I was quite shocked that in this day and age of brazen, hideous, vulgar thoroughly nauseating political correctness, the age of anti-White shameless deceptions, treachery, deceit, a movie like the Lion King would pass the anti-Whiteist scrutiny of Hollywood and elsewhere. Because I’d never seen a movie (or expected to) prior to the Lion King a fraction as actual and accurate in its depiction of today’s political, cultural, racial, ideological, religious, etc. reality – as the Lion King! Accurate to the minutest detail! I searched for reviews on Lion King on YouTube a couple of days from watching it – I was shocked yet again – this time, because no-one but Myself apparently could draw the obvious parallels! People must be blind – I thought. A lot was said, quite rightly, about the BirdBox and like antiWhiteist flicks, but no-one save for Me appeared to notice the uncanny parallels between the Lion King and today’s / post- WWII reality of Europe and the West at large. Now, almost two months later, I came across your review under My YouTube new video recommendations – and I am glad I’m not the only person who sees the parable of The Lion King and, in My view – perfectly manifest – equivalence between the Lion King and the Kalergian travesty that is the current West (especially, the current Europe). The final battle is ahead of Us. We’ll fight, We’ll win, We’ll reverse this disgrace for good. Deus Vult!

Please, watch the review here:

On the issue of miscegenation

November 3, 2019

I wouldn’t mind #miscegenation, at least on a personal level (perhaps less so in long run) if it was exclusively between White Men and nonwhite females. I do believe that the mixed-race young woman (mainly black-indian-chinese) who’s unwaveringly fascinated with the beauty, the intelligence, the expressivity and tenderness emanated by a pair of light eyes, dreams to commit, to settle down with a White Man (and is as disinterested in black or brown males as every White Woman ought to be) – deserves the affectionate embrace of a caring handsome White Man. I see no reason why the amiable voluptuous black opera single who’s almost physically (and otherwise) averse to males of her own race and loathes their indubitable tendency to skirt-chase, their poor intelligence and more – should be denied the stability and joy of a togetherness with a White Man. I don’t see why the witty, friendly chinese girl adopted at young age by White parents, should be denied the bliss of becoming a White Man’s wife or girlfriend once she’s of age: to her, the typically-chinese propensity for animal abuse, for picking nose, etc. – is as revolting and as alien as it is to any sane White person.

Unfortunately, this type of miscegenation is so extremely rare it’s basically nonexistent. What is, however, propagated widely and has by now become the “norm” for the phenomenon – is the hideous, insufferable miscegenation that involves male ugly nonwhite muck on endless quest for white shag trophies and white “woman” (i.e., mudshark) that chooses to be one. It is the second most hideous phenomenon after animal abuse in My book. It nauseates Me ad infinitum. It’s unbelievable that the White Woman, has deteriorated so unimaginably drastically from an embodiment of Ladyship whom nonwhites couldn’t dream to taint – to an interracial shag- commodity, shag- trophy. All within a space of 60 years. It is a cancer that needs eradicating for once and all.

On the unbearable lightness of being a modern White lass

June 7, 2019

Trying to talk some sense into this well-meaning, but a bit strayed, young woman. One of a tens of millions of well-meaning, but strayed White Girls of today:

“Sweetheart, if you haven’t learnt by now – you should: there’s a 3 billion oversexed exotic males in a perpetual state of shag-sual emergency who’d crawl out of their skins to rape / taint a White Woman. Do you really need to feed their vulgar, ugly, crude shag-gusto? Flashing your nippies (I’m not disputing their delightfulness) will earn you a thousand followers, but you and tens of thousands of other White Women will end up paying for that sort of thing in the long run. It isn’t liberty; it’s folly.

For thousands of years, the term “Ladyship” has been synonymous with the phrase “White Woman”, as it has traditionally been a set of properties singularly exclusive to White Women. A beautiful thing, something to cherish and be proud of. A concept as alien to lesser races & proto-“cultures” as to you and Me is chasing animals with spears, consuming murdered animals or going out of Our ways to score #72_virgins in the afterlife by blowing up the very people – superior people – who pay Our welfare.
Cursed be the cancer of #postmodernism that has destroyed the dignity and the worth of the most dignified, most beautiful, the singularly sophisticated, the most Beautiful and thus, most valuable – Woman on the planet – the White Woman.
Think of the repercussions of your folly.”

On mudsharks, their minions & interracial dating

May 18, 2019

I am allergic to white #mudshark/black & #mudshark/muslim flings. Cant stand them. Mudsharks and black & brown serial chasers (as they all are) of White #trophy skirts nauseate Me ad infinitum.

However, I don’t mind White Men in relationships with women of any race.

Why? For the simple reason that NO ugly, primitive, low-IQ, bereft of pedigree and Culture male deserves to touch and taint a superior woman.
Also, because exotic males – and in particular the darlkings (including mohammedans) lack the prerequisites – the finesse, the cultural & genetic proclivity to Love.
A “woman” consensually tainted by a savage becomes a worthless savage herself, regardless of her own appearance (although, understandably, and justly, 99.9% of these don’t look like or otherwise appear as Ladies, even most remotely, in the first place).

The 3rd-wave “feminist” has, lamentably, forgotten – that the woman is as good as (and no better than!):
– The male who does her

… and, secondarily:
– Her looks
– Her sexual value, her dignity & self-view (i.e., either promiscuous or worthy of respect)
– Her femininity
– Her convictions & ideas
– Her prudence

Why, then, you’d ask – do I not mind White Men consorting with exotic women?
Because there’s nothing wrong with a man’s commitment to a woman of lesser culture or even lesser race. Because, for one thing, these ambitious, allergic to their primitive background, women have a right to hanker for finer, civilised men, men in the position to elevate them above the primitivity they are escaping by aiming for White Saviours instead of the revoltingly underdeveloped males of their own. In these relationships, the Man pulls the woman out of the cultural, racial and religious decrepitude she’d otherwise be bound to endure for good. This process is dialectically opposed to the reverse – a mudshark shagged by blacks or muslims. It’s a progressive journey for the exotic woman, rather than an irremediable retrogradation that a #mudshark suffers by spreading legs open to unevolved exotic parasites.

There’s no such thing as a happy mudshark. They’re shag-sual & moral slaves to their protohuman minions with genetic incapacity for an amorous commitment. These so-called “women” suffer. But being stupid enough creatures to lie under exotics, they lay the blame on the society and tradition that fails to hail them as “cool” and “independent”. While people generally do their utmost – sometimes at own expense – to hide their sensible disdain for the naïveté of mudsharks, her unpardonable moral failing and her pathetically mismatched sexual self-sacrifice to that which is inferior and shag-sually opportunistic and highly parasitic. These ugly things and so-called relationships don’t work – they break the mudshark and boost the confidence of the exotic shag-sual opportunist, encouraging their rabid zest for more “white pussy”.

One cannot and should never overlook the 50.000 or so years’ gap in the genetic, intellectual and cultural evolution between the White Man and the male savage – both black and brown.

It’s no coincidence that proper Arts and the High Culture were created by none but the White Man. That the musical notation system was White Man’s invention, that Baroque Music, complex, realistic Sculpture and Fine Arts were of White Man’s crafting. That Sciences were his invention. That Love itself (for a Woman) exists by sublimating the rudimentary and crude and vulgar into something males of lesser races are incapable of feeling (so they just chase to shag their own as well as defenceless-though-own-gullibility, both instinctively, culturally and logically benumbed beyond redemption, mudsharks).

The male mohammedan filth can’t do without chasing White Women right & left

May 12, 2019

A typical #inbred #sandnigger chasing after the next-in-line unsuspecting #prey (known as a #WhiteWoman) on an #interracial#dating” site called #FaceBook. The #inbred #exotic #ugly #simpletons are so primitive a newborn child is way too smart to get tricked by their #vulgar, #crude #shag-sual advances. In this particular instance, the #troglodyte of #mohammedan persuasion has found out – most likely, been told by its fellow saracen skirt-chasers – that some animal rights women (many of whom are #vegan – a term as alien to the mohammedan inbred as its imam’s “ideas” are to Me). The pesky mohammedan vermin has been instructed by its mates that calling itself “vegan” will drastically increase its chances of shagging irremediably dirty a well-meaning (vegan) but stupid (ultralefty egalitarian & a cultural & racial #marxist who sees the males of lesser races as her equals, owing to her daftness & the extensive brainwash she’s been subjected to by the subversive anti-Whiteist long-nosed, recessed lower -jawed and protruding lower -lipped parasites that run much of the modern world).



My take on Darren Aranofsky’s “Mother”

March 8, 2019
A highly allegorical movie (aren’t Darren’s movies all, in varying degree?). A very daring movie, too: I’m yet to see a movie as critical of social detriments like #Socialism, #PostModernism, #Miscegenation, etc.. The way I see it, is:

– The House is Europe. – Him (Bardem’s character), as well as the family (the Man, the Woman) represent today’s European politicians & the postmodernist society of Europe. – The crowds ravaging the house are the exotic import to Europe, such as from Africa & mohammedan shitholes. The havoc they wreak is the multicultism, nonwhite-male-to-white-female miscegenation, halal slaughter, sharia and every other means of the gradual destruction of Europe their presence here naturally induces. The Rape of Europe, as it were… – The soldier helping Mother (until he’s shot dead) represents the very scarce souls actually intent and eager to protect European principles & values not just in word, but in deed – things like Animal Rights; the rights of White Women to stay #untainted by oversexed exotic filth on trophy hunt for tits’n’pussy; the High Arts & proper Culture that is being decimated owing to cancers, such as #postmodernism, #multicultism, open borders, all the ungodliness encouraged by the treacherous politicians of today’s Europe. Unfortunately, such valiant souls are very few and far between in today’s Europe – grossly outnumbered, they naturally end up killed by rampant mobs of savage hideous exotics. – The Mother is the proper European, and, in particular, the European Woman – the principal victim (along with nonhuman animals) of the lesser races / cultures. – Her newborn and short-lived child represents both the Hope of the European Race, of Civilisation and proper Culture, as well as the upcoming generations of proper Europeans that may not survive, as they’re already being outnumbered by lesser, wilder, much more savage, rapey “men”. My compliments on Darren for his courage: we all know Hollywood today is rather anti-White. It takes big balls to do what Darren did with “Mother” (and with “Noah” years earlier: I can’t recall a single movie inspired by Bible with the wisdom Darren’s “Noah” imparts – the Ahimsa principle whereupon any religion (and any form of atheism, agnosticism, etc.) – not only Jainism – ought to be based: do not harm animals, treat them as yourself would like to be treated). Aranofsky is a middle-aged man with the wisdom of an old soul. Whether he’s your favourite film director or not, one thing is clear: he’s not a coward, not a prick, not a cuckold, not an anthropocentric piece of shit that most folks are. Same can be said of James Cameron and James Cromwell (whose socio-political views I find pathetically naive, but not so at all his views on Animals and their rights).

An answer to the idiotic claims of anti-White misogynists’ lowbrow claim that “It’s Not Rape When It Happens to White Women”

January 12, 2019

I’m being forced to clarify why it is precisely the White Woman who can be raped (and for the same reasons must never be!)

The thing is, in stark contrast to White men & Women, for nonwhites there, generally speaking, rape (meaning, sexual abuse) means as little as a handshake does to a White person. To experience rape as White Women do, one needs to treasure Her body. Not as a mere vessel of the soul, but as something precious, delicate, worth cherishing and keeping pure. That’s only possible if the person in question (i.e., the one in the possession of the said body) has Ladyship, finesse, the genetic and cultural propensity for treasuring Her Body. Broadly speaking, the lesser races, i.e., nonwhites (especially the darker races!), even their females – lack the biological and cultural predisposition for finesse. As a result, for them there isn’t such a thing as rape.
I could ask anyone to describe an Angel – if sufficiently honest, regardless of his / her own colour, the person would describe an archetypically White Woman.
If I asked anyone to describe the crudest, ugliest, most vulgar person (of either gender) they can think up, the person depicted would naturally turn out to be nonwhite – most likely, black or brown / mohammedan. One can rape an Angel – because an Angel symbolises purity and Beauty. That’s the White Woman.
But a crude, vulgar, dark, with ugly facial features – person – cannot be raped, because she isn’t biologically, socially and culturally Angelic – i.e., isn’t beautiful and pure.
Therefore, instead, the idea of rape in specimens of either gender of lesser races implies an invariantly lower social status by the so-called “rapist”, i.e., the person of a higher social status, who, generally, happens to be White – rather than an actual rape. So, from their crude, unevolved standpoint, White Women “can’t be raped”, because they occupy a higher social niche.